Twenty One 21 Day Fix Recipes (2024)

So…here’s the situation. I’m usually not into things like the 21 Day Fix. I’m more of a traditional “eat healthy and work out” type of person. However, the program interested me as I started to hear more and more about it because it doesn’t actually restrict what you eat and don’t eat – it just guides you on proper portion sizes for each food group and ensures that you get balanced mealsthroughout the day. I had been wanting to try it for a while, but I was nervous that it would be impossible to come up with yummy recipes for the blog that fit into the parameters of 21-Day-Fix-ness. Eventually, my friend convinced me to do it with her, and thatis where our story begins. Once upon a time, in a random town in the middle of Kansas, I was sitting in my tiny kitchen and ordered the 21 Day Fix……

Okay, but fo reals –I started the programin the middle of February, and I am totally in love with it. Not only are the workouts awesome, but Shakeology is the BEST THING EVER, and the food has been fantastic! You have a lot of space and wiggle room to create delicious meals, andyou always feel awesome.

So, on that note, I decided to compile twenty one of these delicious 21 Day Fix recipes (twenty one 21 Day Fix recipes…get it? Get it? I felt clever) that I have publishedover the last few months into one big post! To start it off, we haaavvveeeeeee….

1.Loaded 21 Day Fix Pizza–Oh my gaassshhhhh I loved this recipe. I had it on several different occasions within the first week after I made it. Just…so yummy. And it kills that nagging pizza craving that seems to be ever present (ma life). This pizza has everything you want. Crunchy crust, melty cheese, lots of juicy meat, and some veggies for extra flavor and crunch. LOVE.

2. Unstuffed Pepper Skillet

3. Kale and Turkey Sausage Sauté with Parmesan

4. Baked Coconut Shrimp

5. BLT Chicken Salad Stuffed Avocados – These, these, theeessseeee. Such a healthy and absolutely delicious lunch or dinner recipe. Or breakfast. Or middle-of-the-night-when-I-wake-up-and-am-craving-these-avocados snack. The combinations of flavors and textures here, friends…they are just ?. Could eat this every day!

6.Blackened Tilapia with Cucumber Avocado Salsa

7. Spicy Shrimp and Avocado Lettuce Wraps

8. Poached Eggs over Roasted Asparagus with Lemon Vinaigrette

9. Peach, Goat Cheese, and Basil Toasts– Be right back. Crying as I remember how good these were. Like, legit, these were one of the best things I have ever eaten in my twenty four years of life. The flavor of the crunchy whole wheat bread, the creamy goat cheese, the juicy peaches, and the fresh basil is just BEYOND words. UGH. Just make them, kay? Cool.

10.Guacamole Turkey Burgers

11. Crispy Garlic Bread Chickpeas

12. Pan Seared Scallops with Pistachio Pesto

13. Cheddar and Sausage Stuffed Zucchini Boats – They came into my life. They made my day awesome. They made every single other day that week awesome because I kept eating them over and over again. This is our story, these zucchini boats and I. They taste better than you could possibly imagine…trust me on this one.

14.Healthy Chocolate Pancakes with Coconut Whipped Cream

15. Avocado, Arugula, and Tomato Toasts with Easy Balsamic Syrup

16.Crunchy Sesame Kale Salad

17. Brown Rice Lasagna Skillet – I mean…it’s healthy lasagna. Do I really need to say more? Do I really? I didn’t think so. I’ll see you when you get back from the grocery store to buy the ingredients and make this IMMEDIATELY. Have a safe trip!

18. Banh Mi Tacos

19. Crunchy Cabbage Salad with Peanut Dressing

20.Warm Brown Rice and Kale Salad with Goat Cheese and Almonds

21. Chicken Meatballs with Thai Coconut Curry Sauce – I totally saved this for the grand finale on purpose. I can proooobably not describe in words how much I love these meatballs. I ate themevery single night this week, and every single time I ate them, I had a mental freak out about how delicious theywere. Not kidding. It made my week. Does that mean I am too obsessed with food? Whatevs. It’s probably true. ✌?Peace out attempts at social normalcy. It’s been real. MAKE THESE MEATBALLS NOW.

Have a wonderful, bright, happy, restful, amazing weekend everyone! And make some healthy food that tastes BANGIN’. See ya on Monday!

If you make any of these yummy 21 Day Fix recipes, be sure to Instagram it and hashtag #thegarlicdiaries!

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Twenty One 21 Day Fix Recipes (2024)


What is peanut butter on 21 day fix? ›

The best option is to use real peanut butter. The healthy fats are good for you. However, if you do use PB2 count it as a teaspoon (you can add a little bit more).

What foods are good for the 21 day fix? ›

What is the 21-Day Fix eating plan?
  • Green container: Vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, and even pico de gallo.
  • Purple container: Fruits such as blueberries, strawberries, mango, and banana.
  • Red container: Proteins such as chicken breast, salmon, eggs, and tempeh.
Aug 10, 2022

What are the rules for the 21 day fix meal plan? ›

The 21-Day Fix eating plan calls for three meals and three snacks a day, made up of the number of servings determined by your calorie need. However, the portion sizes are quite small, which means that some people may find they're not getting enough daily calories, even for just the 21 days of the plan.

How many eggs is a serving on 21 day fix? ›

Another reason I love to make this recipe is that I ALWAYS have the ingredients on hand. Of course, eggs are the primary ingredient. Two large eggs equal one serving of protein with the 21 Day Fix.

Why am I not losing weight on 21 day fix? ›

If you're packing your containers with higher calorie foods, you could be adding as much as 300 extra calories a day and that could stop you from losing about 2 pounds over the 21 days. (Remember, you have to burn about 3,500 calories to lose one pound of fat.

Is popcorn allowed on 21 day fix? ›

AND – if you are 21 Day Fixer, guess how much popcorn you get for just 1 yellow container? 3 entire cups. That's a very generous and substantial snack! It's such a win, and I'm so excited about this new healthy and just as delicious popcorn.

Can you have Diet co*ke on 21 day fix? ›

What You Can't Eat on 21 Day Fix. Fried foods, ice cream, pastries, candy, butter, sour cream, mayonnaise, and soda are not included in 21 Day Fix. You may substitute one of your yellow containers for wine. You may drink coffee and tea but no processed creamer (my weakness!).

Can I eat pizza on 21 day fix? ›

This is why I love the 21 Day Fix, guys. I mean, you can eat PIZZA and still be on plan. To celebrate this awesomeness, here are a bunch of 21 Day Fix Pizza recipes for you guys to try! So much better than take out, and more fun, too! <3.

What is a banana on 21 day fix? ›

A banana can cause some debate in the 21 Day Fix circle! So I again investigated the situation and came up with this information: A small-sized banana is one that's less than 6 inches long. A large-sized banana is one between 8 and 9 inches long.

What can I put in my coffee on 21 day fix? ›

One or Two 8-Ounce Cups: If you like a little milk and sweetness with your caffeine, you can have one or two eight-ounce cups with these Fix-approved add-ins: one or two tablespoons of low-fat or nonfat milk and one or two tablespoons of raw sugar, honey, molasses, maple syrup, agave syrup, or stevia.

How many pounds can you lose on the 21 day fix? ›

The 21 Day Fix is a diet and exercise plan that can help you lost up to 15 pounds in three weeks. It supports healthy eating and encourages exercise, but it may be too restrictive of a diet for some.

What is milk considered on 21 day fix? ›

Canned milk

It is considered a “healthy fat” or a Blue container on the 21 Day Fix. It can be used in so many recipes both savory and sweet. Many of the recipes call for you to put the can in the fridge overnight to harden the cream part and you use it separately from the watery part.

Can you eat pasta on 21 day fix? ›

Pasta is located right on the 21 Day Fix Food List. While traditional white pasta isn't advised because it's highly processed, stripped of many nutrients during processing, and can cause spikes in blood sugar. Whole wheat pasta is a less processed complex carb with protein and fiber. You can also use gluten free pasta.

How do I calculate my diet plan? ›

Here is the Mifflin-St. Jeor equation for both men and women:
  1. Males: Calories per day = 10x(weight in kg) + 6.25x(height in cm) – 5x(age) + 5.
  2. Females: Calories per day = 10x(weight in kg) + 6.25x(height in cm) – 5x(age) – 161.

Is there a 21 day fix app? ›

21 Day Fix® Tracker – Official on the App Store.

What are the measurements for 21 day fix? ›

here are the 21 Day Fix container sizes. Don't have the containers yet? You can buy them here. Green Container = 1 cup Purple Container = 1 cup Red Container = 3/4 cup Yellow Container = 1/2 cup Blue

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.